Transforming Meetings™  

The Transforming Meetings™ model is a structured opportunity for meetings to have better output, and, often, save time.

The Thinking Environment ensures people are listened to and, at the same time, maximise the quality of everyone’s thinking.  

If any of the following challenges resonate with you, then the Transforming Meetings™ could help:  

  • Your team don’t have opportunities to do their best thinking due to time pressures and meeting structures. 

  • Often the loudest voice gets all the attention and derails meetings. 

  • Participants can feel that their views are not listened to at times as others interrupt and jump in with their own ideas. 

  • Participants switch off or zone out during the meeting especially in a virtual environment where the connection to colleagues and the energy of the meeting is harder to achieve. 

Who’s it for?

This model can be delivered to leaders of meetings or to a ‘team’ wanting to change their meeting structure. 


The workshop is available online (3x2hrs workshops) or face to face (7.5hrs)